Rich. Mysterious. Unique. Renowned. Admired. Distinct.
Those are only few of the words describing the mixture of sounds, rhythms, instruments, rituals, traditions and dances that make the Bulgarian folklore a cultural treasure, while the ethnographic costumes and crafts add yet another dimension.
It is amazing that a country that small, boasts an enormous variety of dances, songs and musical styles, so different from one folkloric region to another, sometimes with another distinct sub-regional flavor. Bulgarian music is complex and particularly unique in its use of tempos, which combine double and triple beats within a measure, thus producing time signatures such as 7/8,11/16,5/8 etc. Traditional Bulgarian musical instruments with original sounding are the bagpipe, the reed pipe, the drums, the Bulgarian Mandolin, dvoyanka, brumbuzuk, bells and other.
The phenomenal Bulgarian folklore singers and dance ensembles have made the country popular all over the world. Small villages and towns still carry the charm and the traditional atmosphere and are often nestled in the foothills of Bulgaria’s beautiful mountains.
Many folklore festivals take place all over Bulgaria. Below are some of the most prominent ones. They can be combined with any other tour or extended in to a vacation per your choice.