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Lonely Planet’s Top Travel Spots for 2015: #6 on the List: Plovdiv! #pLOVEdiv
Lonely Planet just published their top city destinations for next year and we are happy to share that the most ancient city in Europe- Plovdiv, found its spot among the Top 10! From the cobblestone streets to the well preserved Roman Amphitheater; from the beautiful old houses from the “Bulgarian Renaissance” to the buzzing Main Street with the endless cafes, shops and restaurants, Plodiv is easily navigated and enjoyed by foot and we know why it so far up on the list.
With the magical Rhodope Mountains as a backdrop, the vicinities of Plovdiv are also worth exploring and nothing short of spectacular. Numerous wineries, spas, secluded monasteries, historical landmarks and gorgeous nature escapes are all within an hour drive.
For the complete list, see Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2015:
To learn more about Plovdiv and Bulgaria, see our tours and vacations page for more. And if you trust Lonely Planet, simply book your Plovdiv hotels here:
See you soon?
#plovdiv, #Bulgaria #lonelyplanet