All Hiking ToursDaily Vitosha Hike
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Locations: Sofia → Vitosha → Sofia (10Km, 20Min)There are 0 uploaded videos from the users. Be the first to do it!
Vitosha mountain is the first thing visitors to Sofia notice on their way from the airport. Few cities and even fewer capitals possess such a natural feature. Vitosha is the Balkans’ oldest Nature Park and Bulgaria’s most visited mountain. Each year, thousands of tourists enjoy the beauty of its scenery and its plant and animal life.
Our hiking trek takes you along the entire crest of the Vitosha. Starting from appr. 1750m/5830ft. above sea level we first climb Cherni Vrah Peak (2290m/7625ft.) following a gently ascending trail and then traverse the Torfeno Branishte (“The Peat”) Nature Reserve to reach the famous stone rivers of the Zlatni Mostove (“Golden Bridges”) natural feature. The wet meadows on either side of the path are home to a number of rare and endemic plant species, including a few species of orchids. You might also be lucky to encounter some of the recently introduced Balkan Chamois (wild goats). Hiking takes place above the tree line in the alpine and sub-alpine part of the mountain, and eventually you descend through century-old coniferous woods to you final destination – a magic river of huge boulders covered with yellow lichens.